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Suzanne with Russians The Reagan Years Articles and Speeches by Suzanne Articles about Suzanne

Trust But Verify: Reagan, Russia and me
a personal memoir by Suzanne Massie

For the first time, Suzanne Massie, the "woman who ended the Cold War," shares the inside story of her interactions with Ronald Reagan that led to the transformation of America's relationship with its most dangerous adversary.

Reagan turned to Massie for her advice and carried her suggestions - including the now famous Russian proverb - "trust but verify" - into his meetings with the new Russian leader.

With fast-paced writing, an eye for detail, and a sense of humor, this gripping, inspiring memoir tells the story of how one person's passion and insight against all odds and expectations, can help change the course of history.

"She is the greatest student I know of the Russian people."
- Ronald Reagan diary, May 20, 1986

Maine Authors Publishing 2013
Hardbound, 6" x 9" $36.75
Trade paperback, 6" x 9" $24.95
383 pages including 16 color pages

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Land of the Firebird: The Beauty of Old Russia

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Land of the Firebird is a remarkable story of a remarkable land. It is a beautifully written history of the now-vanished culture of pre-Revolutionary Russia—a culture which produced some of the most inspiring art, literature, dance and music the world has ever known. In this magnificently illustrated, impeccably researched and gracefully written volume, Suzanne Massie evokes the Russia of the past—a land of strength, elegance and rich beauty.

"An enthralling and enchanting book written with insight, imagination, warmth and exuberance, with an understanding that weaves together the remarkable tapestry of Old Russia." -Hedrick Smith

Simon & Schuster 1980: Paperback; Touchstone 1982
HeartTree Press 1998 Price: $35

Land of the Firebird
(Also available in Russian edition)

Pavlovsk: The Life of a Russian Palace

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Massie's Pavlovsk, acclaimed as one of the best and most exciting cultural histories of recent years, provides important insights into the challenges facing Russia today. Pavlovsk is a parable of the creation, deconstruction, and recreation of a culture—essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the soul of Russia and the roots in its history from which any new relationship between "us" and "them" must grow. If it has a moral, it is the sentence from Dostoyevsky spontaneously cited by many of the Russians Massie interviewed in writing this book, "Beauty will save the world." This remains to be seen—but it may be the best hope we have.

Little Brown & Co. 1990: Paperback; HeartTree Press 1999 Price: $28

(Also available in Russian edition)

Other Books

The Living Mirror

The Living Mirror
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Five Young Poets from Leningrad: The lives and passionate poetry of five young Leningrad poets, leaders of a new creativity of the arts in Leningrad. who  reflect a Soviet Union that did not meet the outsider’s eye.  In this historic book poems never known in the West were printed for the first time in the original Russian along with sensitive translations by Suzanne Massie working with Max Hayward and others.

London Times “Critics Choice Books of 1972”
“An impressive volume… captures brilliantly and deeply the sense of living literature”
- Robert Kirsch, Los Angeles Times

Doubleday & Co. Garden City New York 1972: Paperback: Anchor 1972

Hardbound, $35
Trade paperback, $20


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The classic story of a son’s illness and a  family’s courage.  In this dramatic narrative buoyant with courage and a passion for life the authors share their own journey through eighteen years out of the claustrophobia of personal tragedy and bitterness into strength and ever widening worlds of the mind and spirit.

“Gripping and beautifully written”- New York Times Book Review
“Not only good reading, it’s should reading” - National Observer

Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1975: Paperback: Warner’s 1976; Ballantine Books 1984

Hardbound, $35
Trade paperback, $20

Nicholas and Alexandra

Nicholas and Alexandra

Working closely with her former husband Suzanne Massie was editor and researcher of this classic biography of the tragedy of the last Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II and his family. In his acknowledgments Robert Massie wrote this eloquent tribute:

"The contribution made by my wife, Suzanne, is immeasurable... she produced a constant flow of research for this book...she read and edited every line. Her ideas and suggestions, carefully recorded by me on hundreds of hours of tape, provided a constant environment of creative stimulus. Without this help, the book would never have been written. Now that it is finished, it is hers as much as mine."

Atheneum, New York 1967

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